Panth Protocol on Hathor Network

Panth Protocol
2 min readOct 7, 2021

Welcome to the Panth Protocol Community, home of the $PANTH token.

The initial goal for the Panth project is to build out the first borrowing and lending protocol on the Hathor Blockchain.

Why we are choosing Hathor

Hathor is a promising Layer 1 blockchain built for speed, scalability and most importantly user-friendliness. With a novel architecture using both DAG and Blockchain intertwined, we believe that Hathor is the solution for a global financial future. As Nano-Contracts will role out, developers will be attracted by the possibility to write smart-contracts in Python. Users will be attracted by zero-fees and the ease to use the Hathor Network.

Already the Hathor Ecosystem is growing day by day and it’s only taking on more speed.

But Nano-Contracts aren’t even out yet!

☝️ That’s a statement we here very often and it’s true. In the current phase we haven’t even started with the development of our platform. As of now Nano-Contracts are in development and the Hathor Team is working very hard to finally release them.

What we are currently working on is the working out of details and we already started working on some design prototypes.

We have decided that we won’t do a seed round for funding our project but rather build a strong community and release a collection of rare NFTs to raise the initial capital for Panth Protocol.

Doing an early private seed round comes with the problem that most investors are not in it for the long game but rather dump pretty early on after the coin has launched and multiplied a couple times in value.

Launching an NFT collection (1000–3000 NFTs) we can secure early funding and give back to the community by doing airdrops and other cool stuff. NFT holders will also be eligible to participate in our private sale when we have launched our product.

If you are interested, feel free to join our Discord community. Ask questions, make memes or artworks. Participation will be rewarded!

Also give us a follow on Twitter and spread the word.



Panth Protocol

Panth Protocol will be the first borrowing and lending protocol built on the Hathor blockchain.